Istanbul Tour Guide



ITG-127-Pierre Loti Hill

“ Daily Istanbul Tour ”

Eyüpsultan means İdris Hill. After seeing the rich texture around the mosque, you should definitely go up with the Eyüp cable car.

The historical texture should also be viewed from this perspective from the Observation Terrace. Observation Terrace will offer you one of the most beautiful views of not only Eyüpsultan, but also Istanbul and the Golden Horn. It is certain that you will never see the seven hills of Istanbul this beautiful from any angle.

Eyüpsultan Cemetery on the lower left, Eyüpsultan Complex on your right and dozens of charitable and educational institutions around it can be seen in this view with the tombs of their patrons. Halıcıoğlu, Sütlüce and Kasımpaşa, on the opposite shore of the Golden Horn, are also included in this insatiable view.

If you want to see Pierre Loti Hill during your visit to Istanbul, you can join our daily tours. Our tour, including Pierre Loti hill, is available every day of the year.           +90 530 580 2807

All Year Long           +90 530 580 2807           +90 530 580 2807